Since last HCAI mandated update on June 1, 2015, Universal Office user community has experienced number of submission related issues. We address most common ones in this article.
For additional information, please refer to Coding FAQs on IBC website and to Coding page on HCAI website.
Update CCI Codes Library
Besides announced changes in GAP and ICD codes, the CCI codes have also been updated. The GAP and ICD code libraries were updated with Universal Office release dated May 28, 2015. If you haven’t done so, please update your system following instructions here.
While GAP and ICD codes were updated automatically, the CCI codes must be updated manually. Instead of lists of disabled, added, and changed CCI codes, we are presented with AppendixB-CCI-CIHI.pdf. In this document, you will find a partial pick list of valid CCI codes effective June 1, 2015.
The majority of ICD-10-CA and CCI codes remain the same. However, some codes were depreciated and new codes added.
Because a list with depreciated and added codes was not provided, you will have to deal with it case-by-case. In other words, when you receive a bounce from HCAI related to Service Codes, you will have to follow steps described below.
I. Deactivate CCI Codes *
- Look through codes listed in the bounced OCF and compare them with the ones documented in AppendixB-CCI-CIHI.pdf
- If the code in your OCF does not appear in this document, try to find it in CCI 2015.pdf
- If you cannot find the code in neither document, then disable it in Service Codes library in Universal Office as described in Deactivate Service Code
* You want to deactivate these codes after all OCF-18s, sent prior to June 1, 2015, are exhausted.
[box type=”note”]NOTE: At the moment, we know of the following codes that have been deactivated: AXXTR, 2AZ07, 2AZ29, 2AZ02 and 2AZ08.[/box]II. Add CCI Codes
To add, CCI Codes follow steps described in Add Service Code knowledgebase article.
[box type=”note”]NOTE: At the moment, we know of two new codes that have been added. They are 6AA02 and 6AA08.[/box]III. Update Activities
[box type=”alert”]IMPORTANT: You must first Add Service Codes in Administration Setup before you proceed with this step.[/box]- In Universal Scheduling, open Activity Manager
- Locate and select affected activity
- Click [Edit]
- Double-click on MVA fee schedule field
- Select appropriate Service Code from the list and make sure the Service Fee is entered
- Click [Save and Close]
- Save activity
IV. Update Presets and OCFs not yet submitted
[box type=”alert”]IMPORTANT: You must first Add Service Codes in Administration Setup before you proceed with this step.[/box]Finally, go through OCF-18 and OCF-23 presets and correct affected CCI codes. Also, review CCI codes on OCFs 18s, 21s, and 23s that have been created and not yet submitted.
Update ICD Codes on OCFs
Universal Office release dated May 28, 2015, updates your ICD Codes library automatically. If you haven’t done so, please update your system following instructions here.
Billing by Treatment Plans with depreciated codes
If you want to create an invoice by Treatment Plan that was sent out before June 1, 2015, you want to make sure that CCI codes are current.
An attempt to submit OCF document with disabled CCI Code will be rejected and bounced back to you. To resubmit, you will simply have to replace depreciated code(s).
Cheques payable to
The section that contains the name of Cheques payable to must match the name that appears on HCAI.
To permanently resolve the issue, follow these steps:
- Login to your online HCAI portal
- Go to Manage > Facility Management
- Locate Cheques payable to field
- Ensure the name on HCAI is spelled the same as the Cheque payable to field in Business module of the Administration Setup
FSCO Service Provider License
Services provided prior to FSCO Service Provider License effective date will be rejected by HCAI system and bounced back with Information Errors.
You may have to contact FSCO licensing office to resolve this issue.