- AABSAutomobile Accident Benefits Service (AABS) - Helps people who are hurt by a motor vehicle accident, and have had their claim for accident benefits denied by an insurance company.
- Administration SetupThe Administration Setup is the 'Control Panel' of Universal Office. This where you configure system-wide settings. To open Administration Setup, click Start > All Programs > Universal Office CPR > Administration Setup.
- AISIAuto Insurance Standard Invoice
- APIApplication Programming Interface
- Associate ProviderA provider working for an Organization.
- CIHICanadian Institute for Health Information (www.cihi.ca)
- Co-ordination of BenefitsIf you are covered for health and dental benefits under this and another plan, your benefits will be co-ordinated with the other plan following standard industry guidelines developed by CLHIA (Canadian Life & Health Insurance Association - www.clhia.ca) such that the total amount payable does(...)
- CPACentral Processing Agency – an agency designated to receive accident benefit claims forms on behalf of insurers For more information, see the HCAI May 2015 Guideline document provided on the Enrollment page on hcaiinfo.ca.
- CPNAlso known as the Insurance Company Claim ID is the adjudicator's internal claim identifier assigned to each claim when insurer adjudicates or responds to adjudicated claims and predetermination requests.
- EHCExtended Health Care
- EHCBExtended Health Care Benefits
- EHIPExtended Health Insurance Plan
- EHRElectronic Health Records
- email service providerAn email service provider (ESP) is a company or an organization that provides an internal mechanism to send, route, accept, and manage the receipt of email messages.
- EMRElectronic Medical Records
- EOBExplanation of Benefits
- FAEFunctional Ability Evaluation
- FAFFunctional Abilities Form (2647A). This WSIB form is used when requested by an employer or worker.
- Form 1Assessment of Attendant Care Needs
- Form 8Health Professional's Report (0008A). This form is intended to be used for patients who are claiming benefits under WSIB for an injury/illness related to work.
- Form 26Health Professional'sProgress Report (0896A). Since this form was implemented on TELUS, it can be submitted exclusively on TELUS eClaims portal.
- FSCOFinancial Services Commission of Ontario (www.fsco.gov.on.ca) – regulates insurance, pension plans, loan and trust companies, credit unions, caisses populaires, mortgage brokering, and co-operative corporations in Ontario.
- GAPGoods, Administration, and Other (GAP) codes were developed by Insurance Bureau of Canada in conjunction with automobile insurers and health care providers to cover those items billed to automobile insurers by providers that are not covered by the Canadian Classification of Health(...)
- HCAIHealth Claims for Auto Insurance (hcaiinfo.ca)
- HCFHealth Care Facility
- HCPIn-province medical claims detailed in the Schedule of Benefits, including services that require additional information or prior authorization (referred to as Health Claim Payment (HCP) Claims)
- HCVHealth Card Validation – Service provided by MOHLTC that checks the status and validity of a health card version, presented to determine an individual’s eligibility for health care coverage.
- IBCInsurance Bureau of Canada (www.ibc.ca)
- ICDInternational Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
- ICD-9
- ICD-10-CA
- Merge TagsMerge tags correspond to field data in Universal Office, and can be used to insert personalized or dynamic content into your broadcasts and notifications. Whenever a new field is added to a list, we'll create a corresponding merge tag. Each time you send a campaign that uses merge tags, we'll(...)
- MIGMinor Injury Guideline
- MOHLTCMinistry of Health and Long-Term Care
- MVAMotor Vehicle Accident
- OCFOntario Claim Form
- OCF-3Disability Certificate
- OCF-5Permission to Disclose Health Information
- OCF-6Expenses Claim Form
- OCF-18Treatment and Assessment Plan
- OCF-21Standard invoice used to bill Automobile Insurance Companies in Ontario
- OCF-23Treatment Confirmation Form
- OCF-24Minor Injury Treatment Discharge Report
- OHIPOntario Health Insurance Plan
- OINAn abbreviation that stands for Organization Identification Number.
- Organization Identification NumberSee Provider Number.
- PAFPre-Approved Framework
- PINAn abbreviation that stands for Provider Identification Number.
- PMSPractice Management System
- POCProgram of Care
- Primary Care ReportsThese reports are generated and delivered to registered primary care physicians and groups within the first week of the month. The reports generated consist of enrolment/consent and are in eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format.These reports include:Consent/Enrolment Reports Enrolment Report(...)
- ProviderThe individual, service organization, or vendor who provides health care services to the client.
- Provider Identification NumberSee Provider Number.
- Provider NumberThis unique number is assigned by the TELUS Provider Registry per facility (Organization, Healthcare practice with multiple providers) and an Individual practitioner or healthcare professional. This number is also known as the Provider Identification Number.
- Remittance AdviceA remittance advice is a monthly statement of approved claims and is issued at the time of payment. The remittance advice file contains accounting details of claims approved during the ministry’s previous claims processing cycle. It will also contain explanatory codes to clarify payment exceptions.
- Reports ManagerThe Reports Manager allows to extract statistical and financial reports from the data stored in Universal Office. To open Reports Manager, click Start All Programs Universal Office CPR Reports Manager Plus. Alternatively, click Reports Manager on the main toolbar when Universal(...)
- required fieldsThe required fields are highlighted in pink throughout Universal Office.
- RMBReciprocal Medical Billing (RMB) claims
- SABSStatutory Accident Benefits Schedule For additional information, see O. Reg. 34/10: STATUTORY ACCIDENT BENEFITS SCHEDULE - EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2010
- Service Location IDA unique identifier for a healthcare service location assigned by the TELUS Provider Registry. You can find this number in any claim response such as Explanation of Benefits.
- Short Message ServiceShort Message Service or SMS is a text messaging service component of most telephone, World Wide Web, and mobile device systems. It uses standardized communication protocols to enable mobile devices to exchange short text messages.
- SLASTOThe Safety, Licensing Appeals and Standards Tribunals Ontario (SLASTO) - A cluster of adjudicative tribunals comprised of the following five tribunals: Animal Care Review Board, Fire Safety Commission, Licence Appeal Tribunal, Ontario Civilian Police Commission, and Ontario Parole Board.
- SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard for electronic mail (email) transmission. For more information, see Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Wikipedia article.
- TELUS Central Provider Registry
- TELUS CPRAn abbreviation that stands for TELUS Central Provider Registry.
- TELUS Provider RegistryIn order to start processing claims, providers must register with the eClaims Service. This service is also known as the TELUS Central Provider Registry or TELUS CPR. To register, visit https://www.telushealth.co/eclaims/.
- Universal Backup
- Universal Office Backup UtilityThe Universal Office Backup and Restore Utility or simply Universal Backup allows to backup data stored in Universal Office. This backup includes both the data stored in the database as well as attached electronic files. To open Universal Backup, click Start All Programs Universal Office(...)
- WCBWorkers’ Compensation Board (aka WSIB)
- WLNAn abbreviation that stands for Work Location Number.
- Work Location NumberSee Service Location ID.
- WSIBWorkplace Safety & Insurance Board (www.wsib.on.ca)