When it comes to treating a patient under Ontario’s Minor Injury Guideline (MIG), you are faced with the challenge of tracking the duration of each MIG Block within the treatment plan.
The services and products billed under the Minor Injury Guideline, unlike the ones billed by the Treatment and Assessment Plan (OCF-18), are valued at a set block fee. That means the value per service billed under a MIG Block will differ from the standard service rates set by your facility.
Every MIG Block has a beginning and an end. When one block ends, the next one begins and so on, until the end of treatment under the Minor Injury Guideline.
This article will help you track MIG Blocks for every patient at the time when you schedule appointments, so you don’t have to worry about it later.
First, Fill Out the MIG Block Plan
To start, you will first have to complete the MIG Block Plan section in OCF-23. For some help to complete an MIG Block Plan, see the Add and Modify MIG Block Plan article.
Then, Schedule Appointments by the Block
Once the plan is properly configured, the next step is to start booking appointments by MIG Blocks, and tracking progress by counting down the proposed services per block as they take place.
Open the Appointment Book to get started.
- Click [New Appointment & Precharge] on the toolbar.
- Select a patient who is being treated under the Minor Injury Guideline from the Patient name drop-down list.
- Select a case from the Case No. drop down list.
- Select the OCF-23 with planned out MIG Blocks.
The screen changes to display MIG Blocks pre-selecting current block.
- Check the box next to one or more services in selected block.
- Select the rest of the appointment details such as Appointment date, Scheduled provider and Scheduled activity.
- Make sure the appointment duration is accurate and select the appointment start time.
- Click Save & Close.
Note: When you’re scheduling an appointment under an OCF-23, the system automatically will move to pre-select the next block when services in the previous one are exhausted. You have the option to move from block to block by simply selecting from the list of blocks on the left side of the New Appointment & Precharge window.