When you receive payment from an extended health group benefit plan for your services to a motor vehicle accident (MVA) patient, you will have to specify the amount received from the EHC insurer before you submit your Auto Insurance Standard Invoice (OCF-21) to HCAI.
Of course, you will also want to make sure that the extended health care (EHC) information is added to the patient file as well as in the Other Insurance section of the OCF-21, where you check ‘Yes’ to indicate a patient has EHC, and then fill out the details in the space provided. For help adding EHC information to a patient case in Universal Office, see the Record Policy Information heading in the Guide to Extended Health Benefits Tracking.
Steps to Record EHC Payment on an OCF-21
To begin, please open a completed OCF-21 B or OCF-21 C. For help creating an OCF-21, see the Create and Submit OCF-21 article.
- Go to page 2 of the OCF-21 B or page 3 of the OCF-21 C.
- In the Other Insurer payment section, specify the dollar amount received for Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, or Massage Therapy services under the EHC 1 (primary insurer) and/or EHC 2 (secondary insurer) Debit column.
Tip: For other types of services, enter the service description (for example, Acupuncture) in the blank cell right below Massage Therapy and enter the amount received under the Debit column.
Note: The amount you specify is subtracted from the OCF-21 Auto Insurer Total. - Then submit the invoice as usual.