Schedule Appointments The Appointment Book is designated for scheduling and managing patient appointments. The system provides detailed information on the scheduled appointment itself.... 2
Create and Modify WSIB POC Treatment Plan This article will help you create and modify treatment plans for WSIB POC patients. You may want to create treatment... 1
Create and Modify EHC Treatment Plan This article will help you create and modify an Extended Health (or EHC) treatment plan based on a benefit schedule.... 0
Create and Modify Private, MVA, WSIB, OHIP, and Slip & Fall Treatment Plans This article will help you create and modify treatment plans for patient case types not described elsewhere, such as Private,... 0
Create and Submit Treatment and Assessment Plan (OCF-18) This article will help you create and submit a Treatment and Assessment Plan (OCF-18) to an Insurance Company via HCAI.... -1
Create and Submit OCF-21 This article will help you create and submit OCF-21 version B and C invoices. Both forms have the same cover... -1
Batch Billing The batch billing feature allows to create hundreds of invoices at once. Before creating invoices in batch, one or more... 0
Create and Manage Slip & Fall Invoices This article will help you create and manage Slip & Fall invoices. There are two ways to create and manage... 0
Create and Manage Private and EHC Invoices This article will help you create and manage Private and EHC invoices. These two types of invoices are very similar.... 1
Create and Manage MVA Invoices This article will help you create and manage MVA invoices. These types of invoices are typically used in provinces other... -1