The batch billing feature in the Universal eClaims module allows you to submit hundreds of EHC claims at once.
Before submitting claims in a batch, one or more unbilled charges must exist in the patient file.
- Click New and select Batch.
Note: By default, all patients who have participating eClaims insurers as their primary EHC, and have unbilled services for the past 31 days will be displayed. - Use the following options to customize the batch:
- To show unbilled claims for a specific date range, select from the Date range of services, From and To calendar date pickers.
Important: You may not submit claims for services dated in the future or that are older than 31 days - To filter the list by a specific extended health insurer, select an insurance company from the Filter by insurer drop-down list and click Search.
- To show unbilled claims for a specific date range, select from the Date range of services, From and To calendar date pickers.
- Check the box beside the patient’s name to bill for or check the Select all box.
Note: If any unbilled claims have invalid or missing information, an exclamation mark will appear. Hover your mouse over it to display error information. - Click [Submit] on the toolbar, then click Accept when prompted to agree to the Terms and Conditions for all claims in the batch.
Note: The system will display a progress bar to communicate each claim submission one after the other until all claims in the batch have been submitted. Once completed, the submission results will be displayed. If any submissions failed, click Preview Summary to view submission errors or warnings. - Click Close to view batch details and to Print Results.
All submitted batches are stored and can be managed in the Batch Billing queue.