- Introduction
- Find and Select Patient Case
- Search and Add ICD-10-CA Injury Codes
- Complete a Treatment Plan (OCF-18)
- Create Treatment Plan Presets
- Complete a Treatment Confirmation Form (OCF-23)
- Complete a Disability Certificate (OCF-3)
- Attach scanned documents, images, and email attachments
- Create Medical Documents & Soap Notes
- Record Correspondence
This guide is intended to help you get started with Universal Office. It walks you through the most frequently used features (performed tasks) by health providers.
2.Find and Select Patient Case
In Patient Manager, search patients by last name, first name, or other specific search criteria, such as Patient ID, phone number, case ID, status, or case type. In Appointment Book, search patients by last and first name, phone number, or case ID. By default, when you type search keywords, the system searches by patient’s last name.
To search for a patient:
- Open Patient Manager.
- In the search field at the top-left of the screen, type in a few letters of the patient’s last name.
- Press Enter on your keyboard, click [Search], or click on the drop-down arrow beside Search and select Last Name.
- Select the appropriate patient name from the search results.
- Next, select the patient case from the search results on the bottom-left of the screen.
3.Search and Add ICD-10-CA Injury Codes
You can add ICD-10-CA injury codes to a patient case, as well as to OCF-3, OCF-18, OCF-21, and OCF-23 documents.
- Open Patient Manager and select a patient with an MVA case.
- Select the patient case on the bottom-left of the screen.
- To the right of the screen, locate the Injury/Diagnosis section and click Add Injuries.
- Enter the injury description (for example, headache) in the search box at the top of the screen, and then press Enter.
- In the search results list, check the box beside every injury code you want to add, and then click Add Selection. The selections appear in the Patient Injuries List.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 for every injury code you want to add to a patient case.
- Click Save & Close.
Tip: If you know the injury code, enter it in a cell under the Code column in the Injuries List section (e.g. S1240).
4.Complete a Treatment Plan (OCF-18)
- Open Patient Manager and select a patient with an MVA case.
- Select the patient case on the bottom-left of the screen.
- Click the Documents tab.
- Click [New Document] on the toolbar, then select OCF-18 (Latest OCF version) from the Template type drop-down list.
- Click Open.
The system opens the OCF-18 Editor.
- Verify the Date of Accident and Document date.
- Use the sections on your left to open, review, and complete the sections of the OCF-18. See Figure 1: OCF-18 Parts below.
Note: Once finished, you can preview the plan, save & close it, or submit it to HCAI.
FIGURE 1: OCF-18 Parts
Part | Description |
Applicant & Insurance | On this page, complete parts 1, 2, 3, and 10 of the OCF-18. This page includes a patient’s OHIP and other insurance coverages, as well as MVA insurer, adjuster name, and policyholder. |
Signature of Regulated/Health Professional | In Parts 4 and 5 of the OCF-18, identify the Health Practitioner and the Regulated Health Professional. |
Injury & Sequelae Information | In Part 6 of the OCF-18, the system pre-populates injuries already identified in the patient case. You can add injury codes or remove injuries from the list. You can also rearrange the order by injury severity using the arrows at the top of the Patient Injury List. |
Prior and Concurrent Conditions | In Parts 7, you may specify patient’s pre-accident status and any pre-existing conditions. Be sure to stay within the boundary of 500 characters per explanation box. |
Activity Limitations | In Parts 8 of the OCF-18, specify the patient’s activity limitations. If you respond “yes” to question a), you will have to provide a brief description. A response of “no” to question c) will require additional explanation. Be sure to stay within the boundary of 500 characters per explanation box. |
Plan Goals, Outcome Evaluation Methods and Barriers to Recovery | Be sure to complete both pages of Part 9: you can switch between pages on the bottom-right. Be sure to stay within the boundary of 500 characters per explanation box. |
Providers & Proposed Goods/Services | Identify treating providers and the list of proposed services in Parts 11 and 12. Select treatments and identify providers for each service, and change the quantity for each service. |
Additional Comments | Provide any additional information, such as an assessment report summary (up to 20,000 characters). If you intend to send an attachment after this treatment plan is submitted, check the Attachments being sent, if any box and indicate the number of documents you are sending. If you are not sending any attachments, clear (uncheck) this box. |
5.Create Treatment Plan Presets
To create treatment plans faster, use a predefined OCF template. See Create and Manage Claim Form Presets article.
6.Complete a Treatment Confirmation Form (OCF-23)
- Open Patient Manager and select a patient with an MVA case.
- Select a patient case on the bottom-left of the screen.
- Click the Documents tab.
- Click [New Document], and then select OCF-23 (latest OCF version) from the Template type drop-down list.
- Click Open.
The system opens the OCF-23 Editor.
- Verify the Date of Accident and Document date.
- Use the sections on your left to open, review, and complete the sections of OCF-23. See FIGURE 2: OCF-23 Parts below.
Note: Once finished, you can preview the treatment confirmation form, save & close it, or submit it to HCAI.
FIGURE 2: OCF-23 Parts
Part | Description |
Applicant & Insurance Information | On this page, complete parts 1, 2, 3, and 13 of the OCF-23. This page includes a patient’s OHIP and other insurance coverages, as well as MVA insurer, adjuster name, and policyholder. |
Signature of Initiating Health Practitioner | In Part 4 of the OCF-23, identify the Initiating Health Practitioner. |
Injury & Sequelae Information | In Part 5 of the OCF-23, the system pre-populates injuries already identified in the patient case. You can add injury codes, or remove injuries from the list. You can also rearrange the order by injury severity using the arrows at the top of the Patient Injury List. |
Prior and Concurrent Conditions, and Barriers to Recovery | In this page, complete Parts 7 and 8 of the OCF-23. Be sure to stay within the boundary of 500 characters per explanation box. |
Pre-approved Guideline, Other Health Providers and Goods or Services Requiring Insurer Approval | In Part 9 of the OCF-23, name the applicable guideline (e.g. MIG) and specify maximum and estimated fees. Parts 10 and 11 are applicable only for accidents that occurred before September 1, 2010. The system will prevent you from entering this information unless the Date of Loss is before September 1, 2010. |
Additional Comments | Provide any additional information, such as an assessment report summary (up to 20,000 characters). If you intend to send an attachment after this treatment plan is submitted, check the Attachments being sent, if any box and indicate the number of documents you are sending. If you are not sending any attachments, clear (uncheck) this box. |
OCF23 Plan By Blocks | See Add and Modify MIG Block Plan article. |
7.Complete a Disability Certificate (OCF-3)
- Open Patient Manager and select a patient with an MVA case.
- Select a patient case on the bottom-left of the screen.
- Click the Documents tab.
- Click [New Document] on the toolbar, then select OCF-3 (Latest OCF version) from the Template type drop-down list.
- Click Open.
The system opens the OCF-3 Editor.
- Verify the accuracy of the Date of Accident and Document date.
- Use the section on your left to open, review, and complete the sections of OCF-3. See FIGURE 3: OCF-3 Parts. Once finished, you can preview the disability certificate or save & close it.
FIGURE 3: OCF-3 Parts
Part | Description |
Applicant & Insurance | In this page, complete parts 1, 2 and 4 of the OCF-3. Patient, MVA insurer, adjuster name, policyholder, as well as a few questions related to employment and schooling at the time of the accident. Be sure to complete both pages of Part 1. The Applicant Information has two pages (switch between pages on the bottom-right). Be sure to stay within the boundary of 500 characters for the explanation box. |
Signature of Health Practitioner | In Part 10 of the OCF-3, identify the Health Practitioner. |
Accident Description | In Part 3 of the Disability Certificate, provide a brief accident description (up to 2,000 characters). |
Injury & Sequelae Information | In Part 5 of the OCF-3, the system pre-populates injuries already identified in Patient Case. Make changes to the list as required, by adding new or removing injuries from the list. You can also rearrange the order by injury severity using the arrows at the top of the Patient Injury List. |
Disability Tests and Information | In Part 6 of the OCF-3, indicate the relevant details for the disability and test information as required. Be sure to complete both pages of Part 6. The Disability and Test Information has two pages(switch between pages on the bottom-right). Stay within the boundary of 400 characters for the explanation box in the first page and 500 characters in the explanation box on the second page. |
Further Investigations or Consultations | In Part 7 of the OCF-3, indicate further investigations or consultations as required. |
Prior and Concurrent Conditions | In Part 8 of the OCF-3, indicate the patient’s prior and concurrent conditions as required. |
Medications | In Part 8 of the OCF-3, list any medications taken by the patient. |
8.Attach scanned documents, images, and email attachments
- Open Patient Manager and select a patient case.
- Open either the Documents, Correspondence, or SOAP Notes tab. See Organizing attachments below.
- Click [Attach] on the toolbar.
- Locate and select a file to attach, then click Save.
This file is now attached to the patient case. Anyone with access to this patient’s file in Universal Office will be able to see and view this file.
Organizing attachments
Documents | Attach medical assessment reports such as the In-home Assessment report, Initial Assessment Report, Progress Report, and so on. |
Correspondence | The received faxes and letters as well as email and telephone conversations records with insurers, lawyers, etc. can be stored in Correspondence. |
SOAP Notes | Upload documents that relate to soap notes, such as the initial assessment exam form, progress notes, and so on. |
9.Create Medical Documents & Soap Notes
Besides the standard claim forms, you create other types of documents in your practice management such as Progress Reports, Assessment Reports, Soap Notes, and others. You can create either of them on a clean page using all available rich text format features such as bold, underline, and italic, or use a predefined template.
Create Medical Document
- In the Patient Manager, locate a patient and open a patient’s case.
- Open the Documents tab.
- Click [New Document] on the toolbar.
- From Document Type drop-down, select Medical.
- Make sure Blank is selected in the Template Type drop-down.
- Click Open.
- Enter the content, then click [Save File] on the toolbar.
Save Document window opens. - Enter Document Name, then click [OK].
Create SOAP Note
- In the Patient Manager, locate a patient and open a patient’s case.
- Open the Soap Notes tab.
- Click [New SOAP Note] on the toolbar.
- Click Open.
- Enter the content, then click [Save File] on the toolbar.
- Enter Document Name, then click OK.
Templates for Medical Documents and SOAP Notes
You can create custom templates for Medical Documents and SOAP Notes. For example, you can have a different template for each provider or professional college. You can create custom templates following instruction described in Create and Manage Text Editor Templates article or you may want to order custom templates by placing a request with us.
10.Record Correspondence
For conversations as well as letters, faxes and email exchanges, you can maintain correspondence and case notes for each patient case.
- In the Patient Manager, locate a patient and open a patient’s case.
- Open the Correspondence tab.
- Click [New Correspondence] on the toolbar.
- From Correspondence Type drop-down, select one of the types and click Open.
Note: Depending on the correspondence type you selected, the system will open the respective window. See Correspondence Types below. - Record your correspondence, then click Save & Close.
Correspondence Types
Case Note | The case note can be used to document case activity information. You can give your case note a subject, date you logged the note and description. |
Correspondence - Phone - Fax | You can create a general correspondence note, or you can specify its type such as Email, Phone, or Fax. |
Letter (rich text format) | This opens a blank page where you can enter any text and apply rich text editing. You can also have your own predefined letters to adjusters, lawyers, etc. uploaded into the system. Those templates can have patient and claim information automatically populated into the letter. |
Letter to… (system templates) | The Letters to Legal reps, MVA adjusters, etc. are created using a Universal Office letter editor where the letter template is broken down into sections. |